April 18, 2024 5:55 PM

Phippen Museum’s 47th Annual Western Art Show & Sale Memorial Day Weekend

This extremely popular annual art event features some of the most outstanding Western artists in America today, all seeking the recognition, pride, and prestige this show provides. But almost as important to the participants as pursuing artistic excellence is the special hometown atmosphere and camaraderie this holiday show and sale provides.

Many western enthusiasts, art collectors, and locals all look forward to this Memorial Day weekend tradition held every year on the beautiful Yavapai County Courthouse Plaza in downtown Prescott, a famous and infamous district that elicits the flavor of the old west and complements the venue with antique shops, saloons, and historic hotels.

So we hope you can join us this year in support of this special presentation of the great Art of the American West and the Phippen Museum. CDC and state guidelines will be in place to ensure the health and safety of the artists and our guests, volunteers and staff, including face masks and social distancing.

Hours: Saturday & Sunday, May 29th – 30th………..9:00 – 5:00 PM
               Monday, May 31st……………9:00 – 3:00 PM


Participating artists:

Merilee Adams Lydia Dillon-Sutton Doyle Hostetler Mark Oberkirsch Charles Thomas
Kinsey Artfitch Chloé Duncan Russell Johnson Kim Seyesnem Obrzut Danuta Tomzynski
Steve Atkinson Perri Duncan Valeriy Kagounkin Russell Parker Nelson Tsosie
Marie Barbera Gwen Meyer Ethelbah Mary Landis Carolyn Parker Bryan Tubbs
Darien Bogart Felicia Chul Yong Lee Jason Parrish Manny Valenzuela
Jerry Bokowski Marless Fellows James Lee Mark Parsons Gene Vandervoort
Lia Bardin Bomar Lori Forest Deborah Liszt Sarah Phippen V….Vaughan
Gayle Bone Randy Galloway Bernie Lopez Don Rantz Craig Vilaubi
Debra Bruner Larry Gay Tamara Magdalina Rob Richards Yao Vilaubi
Gary Burke Al Glann Dale Martin Joseph Robertson Scot A. Weir
Gary Byrd Robert Goldman Michael McCullough Ian Russell Srishti Wilhelm
Lorenzo Cassa Mike Greenfield Stephen McCullough Jeremy Salazar Carl Wolf
Austin Casson Bonnie L. Griffin Doug Miller Mark Silversmith Larry Yazzie
Mario Cespedes J. Waid Griffin Randy Morris Diana Simpson Susan Hemm Zivic
Dane Chinnock Meg Harper Cathy Sue Munson G. Eric Slayton
George Coll Jerry W. Harris Bill Nebeker CA Ryan Smith
Bill Cramer June Payne Hart Julie Nighswonger Jim Stuckenberg
Don Dean Loren Henderson Michael Nisperos Wei Tai
Gene Dieckhoner Paul Hopman Dawn Normali Ans Taylor



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